• The Subject and Calendar-related puzzles are supplementary curriculum resources featuring vocabulary activities and word puzzles. Also included are over 660 additional subject-related word lists.
  • Use the provided Greek and Latin word roots in the over 90 subject word puzzles to decode word meaning and select the correct answer. Email your answers to friends, family and teachers.
  • Common Core alignment to a Themed Puzzles is to 3 key phrases: "Grade Level", "Particular Topic" and "Grade-Relevant Text or Subject Area". CCSS Alignment Strand for Specific Grades:
    CCSS Alignment Strand Numbers for Specific Grades:
    Greek & Latin Roots: "CCSS.ELA-Literacy." precedes these numbers: 2.4b+c, 3.4b+c, 4.4b, 5.b, 6.4b, 7.4b, 8.4b, 9-10.4b, 11-12.4b
    Grade Level: "CCSS.ELA-Literacy." precedes these numbers: 2.4, 3.4, 4.4, 5.4, 6.4, 7.4, 8.4, 9-10.4, 11-12.4
    Particular Topic: "CCSS.ELA-Literacy." precedes these numbers: 4.6. 5.6, 6.6, 7.6, 8.6, 9-10.6, 11-12.6
    Grade & Subject-Relevant Text: "CCSS.ELA-Literacy." precedes these numbers:
    (Reading: Informational Text) RI.2.4, RI.3.4, RI.4.4. RI.5.4, RI.6.4, RI.7.4, RI.8.4, RI.9-10.4, RI.11-12.4
    (Reading: Literature) RL.2.4, RL.3.4, RL.4.4. RL.5.4, RL.6.4, RL.7.4, RL.8.4, RL.9-10.4, RL.11-12.4

  • There are word lists here for EACH Subject and Calendar-related puzzle below.
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    1) Character Good Traits, Grades 3-5, Interactive Puzzle --

    To solve the Character GOOD TRAITS vocabulary word puzzle,use the Latin root or word parts below, the definition and part of speech.
    The Latin roots and their meanings: GEN = kind, race; GRAT = thankful, pleasing; PAT = suffer, feel; PEND = hang, weigh; SENS = feel, think; SID = sit, settle; SPECT = look, see; SPONS = promise, answer; STA = stand; TERM = boundary, end, limit.

    When you hit Submit, you will get back the correct answers, a percentage score for correct answers and a sentence.
    In addition to the Character Good Traits vocabulary word list, also provides a Fill-in-the-Blank word activity, a Definition Match puzzle and a True or False activity. You have permission to print Character Good Traits word puzzles for study at home or in classes.
    Vocabulary Word List:
    Character Good Traits, Grades 3-5 word list:
    consider, dependable, determined, generous, grateful, patience, respectful, responsible, sensitive, understanding

    Character Good Traits, Grades 3-5, Interactive Puzzle --

    1)  To think over carefully; to treat in a kind, thoughtful way; to believe (verb)
    Root SID = sit, settle

    2)  Trustworthy, reliable (adjective)
    Root PEND = hang, weigh

    3)  Not weak or uncertain: firm; free from doubt about doing something (adjective)
    Root TERM = boundary, end, limit

    4)  Freely giving or sharing more than enough of what is needed: abundant (adjective)
    Root GEN = kind, race

    5)  Feeling or showing thanks; providing pleasure or comfort (adjective)
    Root GRAT = thankful, pleasing

    6)  The ability to remain calm in a difficult or annoying situation or with a task or person (noun)
    Root PAT = suffer, feel

    7)  Regarding someone or something in high or special esteem; showing courtesy (adjective)
    Root SPECT = look, see

    8)  Getting the credit or blame for actions or decisions; reliable; a dependable person (adjective)
    Root SPONS = promise, answer

    9)  Easily or strongly impressed or hurt; being aware of the feelings of others (adjective)
    Root SENS = feel, think

    10)  Ability to get the meaning of something and judge: an agreement of opinion or feeling; a willingness to show kind or positive feeling toward others (noun)
    Root STA = stand

    Click the SUBMIT BUTTON at the bottom of the page for answers

    2) Character Good Traits, Grades 6-8 Interactive Puzzle --

    Use the Latin root or word parts below, the vocabulary definition, part of speech and the Character GOOD TRAITS vocabulary word list to solve the Interactive Word Puzzle.
    The Latin roots and their meanings: CER = separate, observe; LIA = tie, bind, hold; MITT = send, throw; MUNI = official duties; OPER = work; PATH = feel, suffer; PUNCT = prick or point; SCI = know; TENT = stretch, reach; VIR = man.

    When you hit Submit, you will get back the correct definition match answers, a percentage score for correct answers and a sentence.
    In addition to the Character Good Traits vocabulary word list, also provides a Fill-in-the-Blank word activity, a Definition Match puzzle and a True or False activity. You have permission to print Character Good Traits word puzzles for study at home or in classes.
    Vocabulary Word List:
    Character Good Traits, grades 6-8 word list:
    attentive, commitment, communicative, conscientious, cooperative, punctual, reliable, sincerity, sympathetic, virtue

    Character Good Traits, Grades 6-8 Interactive Puzzle --

    1)  Being alert and concentrating on something or someone; very thoughtful about the needs of others (adjective)
    Root TENT = stretch, reach

    2)  A pledge to do a particular thing (noun)
    Root MIT(T) = send, throw

    3)  Exchanging information; making known by conversation (adjective)
    Root MUNI = official duties

    4)  Willing to work with others; relating to an organization owned by and operated for the benefit of people who use its services (adjective)
    Root OPER = work

    5)  Guided by or agreeing with a sense of doing what is right; using or done with care (adjective)
    Root SCI = know

    6)  Arriving or acting at the right time: not late (adjective)
    Root PUNCT = prick, point

    7)  Be trusted or counted upon; dependable (adjective)
    Root LIA = tie, bind, hold

    8)  Freedom from fraud or deception: honesty (noun)
    Root CER = separate, observe

    9)  Feeling or showing care or understanding; feeling favorable (adjective)
    Root PATH = feel, suffer

    10)  Morally good behavior or character; a good or desirable quality; the good result that comes from something (noun)
    Root VIR = man

    Click the SUBMIT BUTTON at the bottom of the page for answers