Common Core alignment to "Reading: Literature and Subject-related Content" is to 3 key phrases: "Particular Topic", "Context" and "Reading Literature". CCSS Alignment Strand Numbers for Specific Grades:
Particular Topic: "CCSS.ELA-Literacy." precedes these numbers: 4.6. 5.6, 6.6, 7.6, 8.6, 9-10.6, 11-12.6
Context: "CCSS.ELA-Literacy." precedes these numbers: 2.4a, 3.4a, 4.4a, 5.4a, 6.4a, 7.4a, 8.4a, 9-10.4a, 11-12.4a
Reading: Literature: "CCSS.ELA-Literacy." precedes these numbers: RL.2.4, RL.3.4, RL.4.4. RL.5.4, RL.6.4, RL.7.4, RL.8.4, RL.9-10.4, RL.11-12.4
Reading: Informational Text: "CCSS.ELA-Literacy." precedes these numbers: RI.2.4, RI.3.4, RI.4.4. RI.5.4, RI.6.4, RI.7.4, RI.8.4, RI.9-10.4, RI.11-12.4
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A vocabulary word list and definitions for Much Ado About Nothing is arranged by category as specified at by our teacher-contributor, Emily Lewis. The vocabulary words include the parts of speech and their meanings in today\'s English.
Vocabulary 1A \"Much Ado About Nothing\" - Vocabulary Overview
1. Renaissance - n. (1) A rebirth or revival, (2a) The humanistic revival of classic art, literature, and learning that originated in Italy in the 14th century. (2b) The period of this revival , roughly the 14th through the 16th century, marking the transition from medieval to modern times.
2. The Globe Theater - n. A theater just outside of London, England built in 1599; especially famous because the plays of William Shakespeare were written and performed there.
3. Bard - n. (1) One of an ancient Celtic order of minstrel poets who composed and recited verses celebrating heroic exploits. (2) A poet, especially a lyrical poet
4. Groundlings - n. A spectator in the cheap standing- room section of an Elizabethan theater.
5. Theatre - n. Dramatic literature or its performance.
6. Shakespeare, William - n. 1564- 1616. An English playwright, poet, and actor whose plays include historical works, comedies, and tragedies.
7. Anne Hathaway - n. The wife of William Shakespeare. She married the playwright in 1582.
8. Comedy - n. A dramatic work or film that is humorous or satirical and that usually has a happy ending.
9. Tragedy - n. (a) A drama or literary work in which the main character is brought to ruin or suffers extreme emotional sorrow, especially as a consequence of a tragic flaw, a moral weakness, or an inability to cope with unfavorable circumstances. (b) The genre made up of such works.
10. Acting Company - n. A group of twelve men who acted together for years, each man had a role he would commonly play, like leading man, comedian, or king
11. Playwright - n. One who writes plays; a dramatist
Vocabulary Keywords - \"Much Ado About Nothing\"
1. Shrewd - adj. good at judging people or situations, crafty
2. Counterfeit - adj. forged, false
3. Disdain - adj. intense scorn
4. Slander - n. saying something false and damaging
5. Amorous - adj. expressing or feeling love
6. Banquet - n. ceremonial meal
7. Disposition - n. personality, behavioral tendency
8. Perturbation - n. the act of being disturbed or troubled
9. Melancholy - adj. feeling or causing pensive sadness
10. Mirth - n. laughter
Vocabulary 5 \"Much Ado About Nothing\"
11. Ducat - n. (1) Any of various gold coins formerly used in certain European countries. (2) Slang. a. A piece of money. b. An admission ticket
12. Fife - n. A small, high-pitched, transverse flute used primarily to accompany drums in a military or marching band.
13. Tabor - (also tabour) n. A small drum, often having a snare, played by a fifer to accompany the fife.
14. Orthography - (n. pl. orthographies) (1) The art or study of correct spelling according to established usage. (2)The aspect of language study concerned with letters and their sequences in words. (3) A method of representing a language or the sounds of language by written symbols; spelling
15. Lief - adv. (liefer, liefest) Readily; willingly: I would as lief go now as later. adj (1) Beloved; dear. (2) Ready or willing. adj : (`lief\' is archaic) very willing; \"was lief to go\"; \"glad to help\" [syn: glad, lief(p)] adv : in a willing manner; \"this was gladly agreed to\"; \"I would fain do it\" [syn: gladly, fain]
16. Pennyworth - n. (1) As much as a penny will buy. (2) A small amount; a modicum. (3) A bargain: got my pennyworth at that price
17. Crotchet - n. An odd, whimsical, or stubborn notion
18. Flout - v. (flouted, flouting, flouts) v. tr. To show contempt for; scorn: flout a law; behavior that flouted convention.
19. Haggard - adj. (1) a.Appearing worn and exhausted; gaunt. b.Wild or distraught in appearance. (2) Wild and intractable. Used of a hawk in falconry; As a noun - An adult hawk captured for training.
20. Misprize - tr.v. (misprized, misprizing, misprizes) (misprising) (1) To despise. (2) To undervalue.
Vocabulary 4 \"Much Ado About Nothing\"
21. Enamor - v. (enamoured) To inspire with love; captivate: was enamored of the beautiful dancer; were enamored with the charming island.
22. Usurer - n. One who lends money at interest, especially at an exorbitant or unlawfully high rate.
23. Drover - n. One that drives cattle or sheep
24. Bullock - n. (1) A castrated bull; a steer. (2) A young bull
25. Poniard - n. A dagger typically having a slender square or triangular blade.
26. Termination - n. (1) The act of terminating or the condition of being terminated. a. The end of something in time; the conclusion. b. An end of something in space; a limit or edge. (2) A result; an outcome
27. Endow - v. (1) To provide with property, income, or a source of income. a. To equip or supply with a talent or quality: Nature endowed you with a beautiful singing voice. b. To imagine as having a usually favorable trait or quality: endowed the family pet with human intelligence. (2) To provide with a dower
28. Cleave - v.(cleft) (1) To split with or as if with a sharp instrument. (2) To make or accomplish by or as if by cutting: cleave a path through the ice. (3) To pierce or penetrate: The wings cleaved the foggy air
29. Rite - n. (1) The prescribed or customary form for conducting a religious or other solemn ceremony: the rite of baptism. (2) A ceremonial act or series of acts: fertility rites. (3) The liturgy or practice of a branch of the Christian church.
30. Valor - n. (valour) the qualities of a hero or heroine; exceptional or heroic courage when facing danger (especially in battle); \"he showed great heroism in battle\"; \"he received a medal for valor������?
Vocabulary 2 \"Much Ado About Nothing\"
31. Bubonic Plague - n. A contagious, often fatal epidemic disease caused by the bacterium Yersinia (syn. Pasteurella) pestis, transmitted from person to person or by the bite of fleas from an infected rodent, especially a rat, and characterized by chills, fever, vomiting, diarrhea, and the formation of buboes
32. Victual - n. Food fit for human consumption
33. Predestinate - adj. Established or prearranged unalterably; \"his place in history was foreordained\"; \"a sense of predestinate inevitability about it\"; \"it seemed predestined since the beginning of the world\"
34. Baldrick - n. A wide (ornamented) belt worn over the right shoulder to support a sword or bugle by the left hip.
35. Vile - adj. Loathsome; disgusting: vile language. Unpleasant or objectionable: Contemptibly low in worth or account; second-rate. Of mean or low condition. Miserably poor and degrading; wretched: a vile existence. Morally depraved; ignoble or wicked: a vile conspiracy
36. Embassage - n. An embassy
37. Revelling - adj.Taking great pleasure or delight: engaging in uproarious festivities; making merry
38. Pleach(ed) - v. To plait or interlace, especially in making a hedge or an arbor. To shade or border with interlaced branches or vines
39. Enfranchise(d) - v. To endow with the rights of citizenship, especially the right to. To vote. To free, as from bondage
Vocabulary More Keywords - \"Much Ado About Nothing\"
40. impediment - n. bar or hinder the progress
41. nuptial - adj. of marriage or a wedding
42. reproach - v. to accuse of and blame for a fault so as to make feel ashamed; rebuke, reprove
43. frugal - adj. not wasteful
44. epitaphs - pl.n. an inscription on a tomb or gravestone in memory of the person
Links to vocabulary words lists and puzzles for other Shakespeare plays:
A Midsummer Night's Dream
Antony and Cleopatra
As You Like It
Julius Caesar
King Lear
Much Ado About Nothing
Romeo and Juliet
The Merchant of Venice
The Taming of the Shrew
The Winter's Tale
Twelfth Night
Much Ado About Nothing - you are here
Thanks again to Emily Lewis of the Provo Canyon School in Provo, Utah for being the teacher contributor at for a vocabulary word list with definitions for Much Ado About Nothing by William Shakespeare. |