July 4th and Fireworks Vocabulary Word List (340)
A) | Ablaze, Activities, Admiration, Advantages, Affirmation, All-day, Alliance, Americana, Ancestors, Anniversary, Anthem, Appetizer, Appreciation, Ardent, Attachments, Attitude |
B) | Backyard, Baking contests, Ball game, Band, Bandanna, Bang, Banners, Baton twirling, Battlefield, Belonging, Birth, Blast, Blessings, Blue, Boisterous, Bonfires, Boom, Burst |
C) | Camping, Cavalcade, Celebrate, Celebration, Charming, Checkered table cloths, Chili cook-off, Citizen(s), Citizenship, Civic, Color, Commemorate, Common, Communication, Community. companionship, Concentration, Concerts, Constitution, Cooperation, Coordinate, Corps, Country, Countryside, Crackle, Crescendo, Crowds, Culture |
D) | Dangerous, Dash, Dazzling, Declaration of Independence, Decoration, Defense, Delicious, Democracy, Dessert, Detonate, Detonation, Devotion, Dignitaries, Dignity, Dramatic, Duty |
E) | Ebullient, Embellishments, Emergency, Emotional, Encounter, Endure, Energy, Entertainment, Enthusiasm, Equality, Equine, Eruption, Exchanges, Expectations, Explode, Explosion, Eye-popping |
F) | Fabulous, Fair, Family, Fanciful, Fascination, Fatherland, Feast, Feeling, Festival, Festivity, Firecracker(s), Fireworks, Fizzle, Flag, Flash. foil, Folks, Food, Foolishness, Forefather, Forever, Free, Freedom, Friendships, Frivolity, Fun |
G) | Games, Gardens, Gatherings, Glitter, Glory, Goal(s), Good name, Grand marshal, Grandeur, Grill, Groups |
H) | Habitual, Haste, Heat, Herald, Heritage, Hero, History, Holiday, Home, Homeland, Honor, Hoopla, Hooray, Hope(s), Horses, Hospitality, Humble, Humidity |
I) | Ideal(s), Illuminations, Illusions, Imagery, Imagination, Immortality, Importance, Inalienable, Independence, Indulgence, Informative, Insight, Inspiration, Integral |
J) | Jaw dropping, Jeans, Join, Joy, Joyful, Joyous, Jubilation, Judges, July |
K) | Ka-boom, Keen, Kids, Kin, Kindness, Kitsch |
L) | Laughter, Legendary, Liberation, Liberty, Life, Loiter, Love, Loyalty |
M) | March, Marching units, Memorable, Memorial, Memories, Merriment, Merrymaking, Military, Music, Musical, Mutual |
N) | Nation, National, Native, Neighborhoods, Nibble, Noise, Nonsense |
O) | Occasion, Official(s), Old Glory, Oneness, Opportunities, Opportunity, Outdoors, Outing, Outside, Overwhelming |
P) | Parade, Participation, Parties, Passionate, Patriot, Patriotic, Patriotism, Perennial, Pickles, Picnic, Pie, Pinwheels, Plethora, Pomp, Pool, Pop, Potatoes, Preparations, Preservation, Preserve, Pride, Public service, Pyrotechnics |
Q) | Quaint, Quality, Quantity, Questions, Quick, Quiet |
R) | Races, Rambling, Reaffirmation, Recreation, Red, Refreshment, Rejoicing, Relatives, Relaxation, Republic, Reputation, Responsibility, Restful, Revelry, Revere, Ribbons, Rights, Rituals, Rocket |
S) | Sacrifices, Safety, Sausages, Service, Sharing, Shindig, Shows, Shrieking, Shrine, Sizzle, Sky, Slices, Slogan, Snap, Solemn, Sparkle, Special, Spectacle, Sports, Squirt guns, Stars, States, Storyteller, Streamers, Stripes, Stroll, Stunning, Summer, Sunburn, Super-patriot, Support, Surprise, Swimming, Symbol, Symbolism |
T) | Taffy, Tea, Territory, Toasting, Traditions, Tribute, Truths |
U) | Unbelievable, Unify, Union, Unique, Unite, United States, Universal |
V) | Vacation, Valiant, Valor, Values, Vegetables, Versatile, Veteran, Victory, Viewing, Views, Vision, Visionary, Vital, Vivacious |
W) | Water balloons, Wave, Waving, Weekend, Welfare, Whistle, White, Widespread, Willingness, Wisdom | |
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July 4th Food list (36 words) suggestive of Independence Day and celebration word list. Can you help to add other favorites? Please email jancook@myvocabulary.com
apple pie
barbecue, beans, beer
cake, chicken, chili, chips, coleslaw, cookies, corn on the cob
deviled eggs, dip
fruit (blueberries, cherries, peaches, pears, plums, strawberries,
hamburgers, hot dogs
ice cream, ice-tea
pasta salad, pepper, pies, pop, Popsicles, potato salad, pulled pork
ribs, rolls
salads, salsa, sauce, salt, sandwiches, sausages, seafood, soda, steaks
watermelon, wieners, wine
An July 4th and Fireworks onomatopoeia word list typical of celebrations:
aaaah, bang, blare, blast, boom, buzz, clap, cackle, crackle, fizzle, giggle, hiss, hooray, jabber, pop, rattle, shriek, sigh. sizzle, slurp, snap, splish-splash, squeal, whish, whistle, whoop, wow, yum
General Information about Fireworks
Fireworks may have been used first in 12th-century China to ward off evil spirits. Today, they are commonly associated with civic and private celebrations.
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