Animals in their Habitats

Below is either a list of themes or a list of 8 puzzles for a specific theme. Click on a theme or puzzle that will take you to an interactive activity. All content is printable without a charge. Thank you for sharing our vocabulary content with others.
NOTE: Each theme has a corresponding vocabulary word list that can be accessed from the home page "Word List" menu bar or below the series of puzzle activities. For answers to any questions, please email jancook{at}

Vocabulary Word List: aquarium, camouflage, community, environment, enzyme, extinction, fauna, forage, generation, hibernation, incubator, instinct, migration, naturalist, nature, plankton, predator, preserve, reserve, scavenger, veterinarian

Interactive Puzzles [2]
Crossword [0]
Fill In the Blanks [2]
Word Search [0]
Definition Match [2]
Concentration Puzzles [0]
Synonyms and Antonyms [0]
Word Find [0]
True or False [0]
Reading Passage [0]

Vocabulary Word List for Animals in their Habitats (240)

  • A)

    Aardvark, African elephant, Albatross, Alley cat, Alligator, Amphibian, Ant, Anteater, Antelope, Ape, Armadillo, Asian elephant

  • B)

    Baboon, Badger, Bat, Bear, Beaver, Beetle, Billy goat, Bison, Boar, Bobcat, Bovine, Bronco, Buck, Buffalo, Bug, Bull, Bunny

  • C)

    Calf, Camel, Canary, Canine, Caribou, Cat, Caterpillar, Centipede, Chanticleer, Cheetah, Chick, Chimpanzee, Chinchilla, Chipmunk, Clam, Cockatiel, Colt, Condor, Cougar, Cow, Coyote, Crab, Crane, Creature, Crocodile, Crow, Cub, Cur, Cygnet

  • D)

    Deer, Dingo, Dodo, Doe, Dog, Dolphin, Donkey, Dove, Drake, Duck

  • E)

    Eagle, Egret, Elephant, Elk, Emu, Ewe

  • F)

    Falcon, Fawn, Feline, Ferret, Flamingo, Flee, Flies, Foal, Fowl, Fox, Frog

  • G)

    Gander, Gazelle, Gelding, Gerbil, Gibbon, Giraffe, Goat, Goose, Gopher, Gorilla, Grizzly bear, Guinea pig

  • H)

    Hamster, Hare, Hawk, Hedgehog, Heifer, Hippopotamus, Horse, Hound, Hummingbird, Hyena

  • I)

    Ibis, Iguana

  • J)

    Jackal, Jackrabbit, Jaguar, Javalina, Jellyfish, Jenny, Joey

  • K)

    Kangaroo, Kid, Kitten, Kiwi, Koala, Komodo dragon, Krill

  • L)

    Lamb, Lemming, Lemur, Leopard, Lion, Lioness, Llama, Lobster, Lynx

  • M)

    Macaw, Manatee, Marmoset, Marmot, Mink, Minnow, Mite, Mockingbird, Mole, Mongoose, Mongrel, Monkey, Moose, Mouse, Mule, Mustang, Mutt

  • N)

    Nag, Narwhale, Newt

  • O)

    Ocelot, Octopus, Opossum, Orangutan, Orca, Osprey, Ostrich, Otter, Owl, Ox

  • P)

    Pachyderm, Panda, Panther, Parakeet, Parrot, Peacock, Pelican, Penguin, Pheasant, Pig, Pigeon, Piglet, Platypus, Pony, Pooch, Porcupine, Porpoise, Primate, Puppy, Pussycat

  • Q)


  • R)

    Rabbit, Raccoon, Ram, Rat, Reptiles, Rhinoceros, Robin, Rooster

  • S)

    Salamander, Sea lion, Seagull, Seal, Sheep, Sidewinder, Skunk, Sloth, Snail, Snake, Songbird, Sow, Spider, Squid, Squirrel, Stallion, Steer, Stork, Stork, Swan

  • T)

    Tadpole, Tapir, Terrapin, Thoroughbred, Tiger, Toad, Tortoise, Toucan, Turkey

  • U)

    Uakari, Unicorn

  • V)

    Vixen, Vole, Vulture

  • W)

    Wallaby, Walrus, Warthog, Wasp, Weasel, Whale, Wildebeast, Wolf, Wombat, Woodpecker, Worm

  • X)

    X-ray fish

  • Y)


  • Z)


Links to vocabulary words lists and puzzles for various animal types:
Birds (136)
Cats (257)
Dogs (301)
Dragons (251)
Eagles (144)
Insects (145)
Labradors (324)
Mammoths and extinction (73)
Manatees (102)
Monsters-creatures (304)
Owls (163)
Paws-claws-scales (323)
Raptors & hawks (173)
Snakes (171)
Tortoises & turtles (161)
Whales (231)

Links below will take you to themed puzzles with vocabulary activities specifically related to 5 different animal-types and their environments.
Biology and Insects vocabulary puzzles
Monsters & Scary Creatures vocabulary puzzles
Oceans vocabulary puzzles
Tropical Rain Forests vocabulary puzzles
48 Mythology words in interactive puzzles offers more than 755 word lists. To see more root word lesson plans words, themed puzzles and word lists, go to the home page for word games, interactive word puzzles and themed content that align with Common Core Standards. 2500 pages of free content are available only online without ads, registration or fees.