• The Interactive Lesson Plan puzzle is 1 of 8 vocabulary activities and word puzzles.
  • Use the Greek and Latin word root word list to select the correct answer.
    Email your answers to friends, family and teachers.
  • The AUDIO word story is available in all Root Words Lesson Plans #1 through #6.
  • Common Core alignment to a Interactive Puzzle is to 4 key phrases:
    "Grade Level", "Greek and Latin Roots", "Precise Meaning" and "Context".
    CCSS Alignment Strand numbers for Specific Grades:
    Grade Level: "CCSS.ELA-Literacy." precedes these numbers: 2.4, 3.4, 4.4, 5.4, 6.4, 7.4, 8.4, 9-10.4, 11-12.4
    Greek & Latin Roots: "CCSS.ELA-Literacy." precedes these numbers: 2.4b+c, 3.4b+c, 4.4b, 5.b, 6.4b, 7.4b, 8.4b, 9-10.4b, 11-12.4b
    Precise Meaning: "CCSS.ELA-Literacy." precedes these numbers: 2.4e, 3.4d, 4.4c, 5.4c, 6.4c, 7.4c, 8.4c, 9-10.4c, 11-12.4c
    Context: "CCSS.ELA-Literacy." precedes these numbers: 2.4a, 3.4a, 4.4a, 5.4a, 6.4a, 7.4a, 8.4a, 9-10.4a, 11-12.4a
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    1) Root-A-Week: DICT #1

    To solve the Latin root DICT word puzzle put your answers INSIDE the vocabulary boxes. The Latin root DICT means speak, declare. Send your answers by clicking submit at the bottom of the page. You will get back the correct answers, the use of the vocabulary word using the Latin root DICT in a sentence and the percentage score of correct answers.
    Use the definition, root and part of speech to determine the vocabulary word using the Latin root DICT. You have permission to make a hard copy for further Latin root vocabulary study at home or in classes.
    Vocabulary Word List:
    abdicate, addicted, contradiction, dedicate, dedication, dictatorial, dictatorship, dictionary, edict, indicate, indictment, jurisdiction, predicament, predicate, prediction, verdict

    Root-A-Week: DICT #1

    1)  Formal accusation; any charge, serious criticism or cause for blame (noun)

    2)  Act of devoting wholly to a purpose or special use; inscription to a person (book) (noun)

    3)  To give up or renounce, esp. in a voluntary, public of formal manner (verb)

    4)  Characteristic of someone exercising absolute power or authority; imperious (adjective)

    Click the SUBMIT BUTTON at the bottom of the page for answers

    2) Word Roots 1 DICT, VENT, DUCT Beginner Puzzle 1 --

    In the first vocabulary word puzzle, use the Latin word root DICT, DIT = speak, declare
    In the second vocabulary word puzzle use the Latin word root VENT, EN = come
    In the third vocabulary word puzzle use the Latin word root DUCT/DUC = lead
    Move down to the button of the third word puzzle and click SUBMIT to get correct answers, the use of each vocabulary word in a sentence and your score.
    Study the vocabulary word story to solve the word puzzle. Having trouble with unfamiliar words? Click the submit button for answers. Redo the puzzle.
    Vocabulary Word List:
    Beginner Vocabulary Word List from Latin roots: DICT, DIT = speak, declare, VENT, VEN = come; DUCT, DUC = lead
    adventure, condition, dictionary, educational, inconvenient, indicate, introductory, invent, misconduct, reduced, souvenir, verdict
    Intermediate vocabulary word list from Latin roots: aqueduct, contradictory, conventional, dedicate, deduce, dictatorship, duchess, eventful, prediction, prevention, productive, venturesome
    Advanced word list from Latin roots:: abdicate, addicted, advent, circumvent, conducive, covenant, ducats, edict, inducement, intervene, malediction, seductive

    Word Roots 1 DICT, VENT, DUCT Beginner Puzzle 1 --

    1)  Any judgment or decision; the findings of a jury in a matter submitted to it (noun)

    2)  A book containing a selection of the words of a language, usually arranged alphabetically (noun)

    3)  To point out or demonstrate; to serve as a sign, symptom or token of (verb)

    4)  A particular manner or state of being of a person or thing; a restricting or modifying circumstance (noun)

    Additional Information:

    Reading passage:
    Calvin thought that his parent's choice of an EDUCATIONAL DICTIONARY as a gift would be a bad birthday present to bring to his friend. Did he INDICATE his annoyance with his parents idea? Yes! He explained loudly that under no CONDITION would this present be acceptable! He even screamed that it would be INCONVENIENT to take a book! He told them that his friend only wanted a game or an ADVENTURE. He shouted, "This gift will never be INTRODUCTORY present that will lead to something special or fun! In fact, your selection will REDUCE my interest in bringing back a nice SOUVENIR from a wonderful party!" In spite of his unhappiness, the VERDICT was to bring a book. His parents, disappointed in his negative attitude, declared his outbursts examples of unacceptable MISCONDUCT. (Word INVENT is not in the story.)

    Click the SUBMIT BUTTON at the bottom of the page for answers

    3) Word Roots 1: DICT, VENT, DUCT Intermediate Puzzle 1 --

    In the first vocabulary word puzzle, use the Latin word root DICT/DIT = speak, declare
    In the second vocabulary word puzzle use the Latin word root VENT/VEN = come
    In the third vocabulary word puzzle use the Latin word root DUCT/DUC = lead
    Move down to the button of the third word puzzle and click "SUBMIT" to get correct answers, the use of each vocabulary word in a sentence and your score.
    Study the vocabulary word story below the puzzle to see words in content. Having trouble with unfamiliar words? Click the submit button for answers. Redo the puzzle.
    Vocabulary Word List:
    Latin roots DICT/DIC/DIT = speak, declare; VEN/VENT = come; DUCT/DUC = lead
    Intermediate: aqueduct, contradictory, conventional, dedicate, deduce, dictatorship, duchess, eventful, prediction, prevention, productive, venturesome

    Word Roots 1: DICT, VENT, DUCT Intermediate Puzzle 1 --

    1)  To set apart or consecrate for a deity or sacred purpose; to devote wholly to some action (verb)

    2)  Inclined to declare or speak against; involving the expression of the opposite opinion (adjective)

    3)  Something that foretells the future; a prophecy; the act of declaring or telling in advance (noun)

    4)  A country or form of government in which absolute power is exercised by an imperious ruler (noun)

    Additional Information:

    Reading Passage:
    After the fall of the DICTATORSHIP, the populace welcomed home the duke and DUCHESS in an EVENTFUL series of celebrations. The citizens wanted a PRODUCTIVE rule. They could DEDUCE that with a CONVENTIONAL reign, their rulers would DEDICATE themselves to the PREVENTION of atrocities. The AQUEDUCT could be rebuilt and VENTURESOME individuals would have the freedom to create new solutions to old problems. There was no CONTRADICTORY evidence to suggest that these occurrences would not happen. In fact, a sage had made a PREDICTION that the couple would rule successfully.

    Click the SUBMIT BUTTON at the bottom of the page for answers

    4) Word Roots 1 DICT, VENT, DUCT Advanced Puzzle 1 --

    In the first vocabulary word puzzle, use the Latin word root DICT/DIT = speak, declare
    In the second vocabulary word puzzle use the Latin word root VENT/VEN = come
    In the third vocabulary word puzzle use the Latin word root DUCT/DUC = lead
    Move down to the button of the third word puzzle and click "SUBMIT" to get correct answers, the use of each vocabulary word in a sentence, a comment and your score.
    Study the vocabulary word story to solve the word puzzle. Having trouble with unfamiliar words? Click the submit button for answers. Redo the puzzle.
    Vocabulary Word List:
    Latin roots DICT/DIC/DIT = speak, declare; VEN/VENT = come; DUCT/DUC = lead:
    Advanced: abdicate, addicted, advent, circumvent, conducive, covenant, ducats, edict, inducement, intervene, malediction, seductive

    Word Roots 1 DICT, VENT, DUCT Advanced Puzzle 1 --

    1)  A decree issued by a sovereign or other authority; any authoritative command (noun)

    2)  A speaking evil of or to a person; an imprecation; curse (noun)

    3)  To give up or renounce (duties or high office, etc.) in a public, voluntary or formal manner (verb)

    4)  Causing to become physiologically or psychologically dependent on a substance (adjective)

    Additional Information:

    Reading Passage:
    Do you know that a king may ABDICATE his position and still retain his DUCATS? If a ruler is ADDICTED to power, he will need an INDUCEMENT to give up the throne. Once a decision is made, despite a MALEDICTION from several clan chiefs, a royal EDICT will help CIRCUMVENT some of the objections. With the ADVENT of a SEDUCTIVE COVENANT, few citizens would ferociously INTERVENE against a plan that would be CONDUCIVE to the removal of the king.

    Click the SUBMIT BUTTON at the bottom of the page for answers