localhost/vocabulary - 39 Week Vocabulary Lesson Plan for School Year 2010-2011

Vocabulary University® is proud to share its newest content for the 2010-2011 school year. Created by Jan and Carey Cook (email us), these 39 weeks of lesson plans can be used in any sequence, at any pace, individually or in groups. Will you make this a permanent part of your and your school's English and Language Arts program? We invite you to see our thematic and grade level content on our home page - http://localhost/vocabulary

39 Week Lesson Plan Week #4:
True/False Sentences for roots GEN and GRAD/GRED/GRESS

Directions for the localhost/vocabulary True/False Sentences: In the following 26 sentences, mark T or F to indicate whether the words have been used properly! ANSWERS are at the bottom of the page.

Word bank in alphabetical order for the localhost/vocabulary true/false sentences, Week 4:
  • GEN (14): gender, genealogy, general, generation, generic, generosity, genesis, genetics, genius, genteel, genuine, indigenous, ingenious, regeneration
  • GRAD/GRESS/GRED (11): aggression, centigrade, congressional, degradation, degree, gradually, graduation, gradient, ingredient, progressive, transgression

    ___ 1. Tracey appreciates the GENEROSITY of her parents who help her emotionally and financially.

    ___ 2. Matt said the GENERIC shirt was acceptable because he had insisted on a name brand.

    ___ 3. The twins bought a GENEALOGY to put on the bumper of their new car.

    ___ 4. Sam, a real estate agent, attempted to REGENERATE the couple's interest in a house he had already shown them.

    ___ 5. Even though Hank really liked dogs, he was alarmed at the AGGRESSIVE barking of the German shepherd.

    ___ 6. The narrow street had been closed because engineers needed to DEGRADE the roadbed.

    ___ 7. Doesn't John show PROGRESS as his French is much more fluent today than it was six months ago?

    ___ 8. Brenda chose soothing CONGRESSIONAL music as the final selection after the ceremony.

    ___ 9. Holly carefully sewed a GENERATION on the shirt to go with her new jacket.

    ___ 10. Since Clarice grew up in Switzerland, she was familiar with measuring temperatures by CENTIGRADE.

    ___ 11. The children hugged the puppy and asked the owner to tell them what GENDER it was.

    ___ 12. Kim preferred to buy a GENUINE fur rather than a fake copy.

    ___ 13. Chris was INDIGENOUS that her friend thought she had lied about the details of her vacation.

    ___ 14. The train engineer will DIGRESS the switch enabling the freight cars to pass through the tunnel.

    ___ 15. Dan's parents welcome the opportunity to celebrate at GRADUATION with him when he receives his degree.

    ___ 16. The artist created such beautiful scenes that the dealer predicted a significant DEGREE of appeal for buyers.

    ___ 17. Are you aware that Adam is such a GENIUS that he graduated from college at age twelve?

    ___ 18. Karen's teacher entered the GRADIENT from the last quiz into the computer for each student in her class.

    ___ 19. Martha�s suggestion to buy a class gift had GENERAL approval from her friends.

    ___ 20. The doctor examined Frank's GENESIS and said it was badly infected.

    ___ 21. Tim studied GENETICS in an attempt to understand the nutritional values of specific foods.

    ___ 22. Children will pet a puppy with GENTEEL attention to its small body.

    ___ 23. The bank robber's successful heist included an INGENIOUS series of calculated moves.

    ___ 24. New foods are GRADUALLY introduced to babies in an attempt to preserve their health.

    ___ 25. Don't you believe that hard work is a critical INGREDIENT to gain success?

    ___ 26. Donna bought a chocolate TRANSGRESSION at the bakery and ate it before her arrival at home.

  • Feel free to make a copy for home or the classroom!

    Any questions can be directed to Jan and Carey Cook at Vocabulary University for clarification.

    For further understanding, explore our other Week 4 Latin and Greek root word activities:

  • Week 4 Crossword
  • Week 4 Word Find
  • Week 4 FITB
  • Week 4 Matching
  • Week 4 True/False - you are here!
  • Week 4 Story
  • 1st Semester (13 week) Matrix
  • Week 4 Puzzles

  • True (T) and False (F) answers: 1. T, 2. F, 3. F, 4. T, 5. T, 6. F, 7. T, 8. F, 9. F,10. T, 11. T, 12. T, 13. F, 14. F, 15. T, 16. T, 17. T, 18. F 19 - T; 20 - F; 21 - F; 22 - F; 23 - T; 24 - T; 25 - T, 26 - F

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